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How to Get Away with Murder Boss on Frank's Fate, That Killer Ending and What's Next in Season 3

We've got a new mystery on our hands

Joyce Eng

[WARNING: The following story contains spoilers about Thursday's Season 2 finale of How to Get Away with Murder. Read at your own risk.]

Where in the world is Frank Delfino? Annalise's (Viola Davis) muscle man disappeared at the end of Thursday's How to Get Away with Murder season finale, after the truth about his and Sam's (Tom Verica) secret came out.

Flashbacks reveal that the lady from the bar (Emily Swallow) whom Frank (Charlie Weber) bedded 10 years ago worked for Wallace (Adam Arkin) and paid Frank in cash -- the cash he would use to throw Wes (Alfred Enoch) off when he was looking for Rebecca's body -- to bug Annalise's room. That led to Wallace, as suspected, ordering the truck to T-bone Annalise. Frank wanted to 'fess up after her son, who was named Sam Jr., died, but Sam threatened him, "You tell her and I'll ruin you."

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In the present, Laurel (Karla Souza) tells Frank and Bonnie (Liza Weil) that she had confronted Annalise, before informing Frank that Wes just told her Wallace is his dad. (Pro tip: Never tell Laurel your secrets.) Frank subsequently spends the rest of the episode with an "I'm f---ed" look on his face, while everyone tries to track down Annalise because ADA Denver (Benito Martinez) has an arrest warrant out for her after Caleb (Kendrick Sampson) rats her out. Annalise -- who has a tense reunion with her absentee father (Roger Robinson) at her mother's (Cicely Tyson) in Memphis and also tells her mom about baby Sam -- returns to reveal that Caleb murdered the Hapstalls. She's got new evidence (a fitness tracker on Caleb the night of the murders), courtesy of Philip (Jefferson White), and new testimony from Catherine (Amy Okuda), who took the fall for her adopted bro because she was in love with him. And Caleb? He's bleeding out in a hotel bathtub.

After Bonnie shares Frank and Sam's secret with Annalise, she sternly says to Bonnie that Frank "needs to go." Laurel cautiously searches Frank's apartment, but he, his clothes, and that suitcase of dough are all gone. But the episode ends with a real bang when Wes walks up to Wallace on the street in New York City. He can barely get "Annalise Keating" out of his mouth -- to explain why he thinks Wallace is his pops -- before someone shoots Wallace right in the head. There's your Season 3 murder!

So what's next? Creator and executive producer Peter Nowalk answers our burning questions.

Where is Frank? Is he on the lam? Did Annalise take care of him after she said that he "needs to go"?
Peter Nowalk:
[Laughs] Those are good questions. The last time we saw Frank, he knows Annalise is coming home and he knows Bonnie is going to try to smooth things over, but I think he knows Annalise. He had a decision to make. Either he tries to do something to win her love back or he takes the money and takes off. Those are things we'll get into next season. To me, yes, we solved the big mystery between Frank and Sam, what their secret was, but I think a lot has gone on that we have yet to see. There's 10 years between that hospital scene and him killing Lila, so clearly a lot has happened, as well as, how did Sam and Frank first meet? These are all stories that I'm excited to show you guys when it's right.

Annalise has said that she hired Frank only because Sam took him in from the "gutter." Is it easier for her to cut Frank out of her life now because of that, or is it harder because they've grown close and she feels betrayed?
I think when she says, "He needs to go," she's very resolved in the fact that she's done with him. What that means actually and what she intends to do is purposefully vague. He killed her baby and kept it a secret with Sam. I don't see how she forgives him, knowing who Annalise is. This is a guy she's trusted and really relied on and counted on as family. The reason the betrayal feels so big is that he, someone in her new family, has been a snake. That's why she had to flee to her original family.

He was basically her surrogate son. Could Frank have shot Wallace? He seemed filled with regret. Could this be his way of making it up to Annalise?
I definitely think that's what makes sense. He just found out this episode that Wallace was also Wes' father and he knows Wallace caused that car accident. That would make complete sense. I think I know who shot Wallace at this point and I will not tell you if you're right or not. I will say sometimes we like to shock you guys and sometimes we like to do what makes sense. It's all up for grabs.

So you have the shooter in mind already. Could that change?
Everything can change! [The murder] is a mystery that isn't fully planned out yet. I used to think that Laurel shot Annalise and that changed to Wes. At the same time, I always felt Wes was the one who killed Sam and we kept it that way. The writers' room is fun because it's like, "Here's an idea. Can we beat it?"

Wes didn't seem that stunned by a man getting his brains blown out a foot in front of him, so he and Frank could totally be working together.
Nowalk: [Laughs] Well, that's because you always think Wes is a sociopath! He looked pretty stunned to me!

I would've been more freaked out. But maybe he's not fazed by people dying in front of him anymore. He also had doubts about whether Annalise was telling the truth. Is a DNA test going to confirm Wallace is his dad?
If I'm Wes, I'd definitely want that. Whether he gets a chance to get that test or not is the question now that the guy is bleeding out before him!

Will we be seeing more of the Mahoneys in Season 3?
Nowalk: Those actors [Arkin, Roxanne Hart and Wilson Bethel] are amazing and we barely got to meet those characters, so that's definitely a possibility too. Having not planned any of Season 3, I don't know.
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What is Annalise and Wes' relationship going to be like now?
Nowalk: I think the ball is mostly in Wes' court there. I think he understands now why Annalise has been doing everything and treating him that way more than he did before. Whether he can trust her again and whether he wants her in his life is the big question. I will say he's alone. He doesn't have anyone and here's this person who's protected him from a lot. That's a big dilemma for him, but I would like to see them not hate each other for a little bit.

I thought it was interesting that Annalise's mom told her everything's hard because she's trying to do it all alone. And Annalise later told Bonnie to stop believing what men tell her. Is Annalise going to keep people at even more of a distance now because of all these men who've burned her, or is she going to take what her mom said to heart and not try to take everything on by herself?
That is a great question for the character and the series. How do you trust people again when you've been burned so much? Her scar is that she's been betrayed so much by a few family members as a child. I understand why Annalise can be so closed off. Who knows? Maybe she doesn't need to be. Maybe she'd be happier. I think that's all good emotional stuff we'll delve into next year.

I don't think you can ever have complete closure from losing a child, but do you think Annalise got some of that after telling her mom about her son, burying the note for him and learning the truth about Frank and Sam?
Nowalk: I think she's closer to healing. I totally agree with you that that's not a grief you can ever fully heal from, but I think she's closer and I think taking the step of telling her mother helped. Her mother forcing her to do this pseudo burial was very cathartic for her, and I think in some ways you might see a different Annalise.

Are we going to see more of Annalise's father?
That actor is Roger Robinson. He's a Tony Award-winning Broadway star. He's fantastic. That relationship is not resolved. Yes, we wanted Annalise to go home, but we didn't want to tell the whole story. She's not going to get over her father's abandonment in one conversation. Even the stuff with her sister -- I think this was just our first opening into her childhood. I would love to keep exploring it.

In another big but comparably minor betrayal, Oliver (Conrad Ricamora) declined and deleted Connor's (Jack Falahee) acceptance into Stanford. Will that come out? Will Oliver confess?
That is a huge betrayal. Oliver and Connor have really been leaning on each other in a quite romantic and idealistic way. I think both of them are going through major changes and they're different people. I think Oliver is extremely different from how he started the season and he wants to live large. Obviously I love them together, but they're young and they've got a lot of things to work out.

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Oliver just wants to stay out of hacker rehab. He was definitely on a huge high there, getting Annalise's arrest warrant.
[Laughs] Yeah, he's really addicted!

What about Michaela (Aja Naomi King) and Asher (Matt McGorry)? Is that fling over? They almost had sex on Annalise's bed, which is wildly inappropriate.
Very kinky. Michaela now knows Caleb was a serial killer. She fell for it all. I think she's in a very vulnerable place and she looks to Asher, who is actually a good guy in the grand scheme of guys on our show. I do think Asher is impressed by Michaela. He got dumped by Bonnie ... and I think [Michaela] represents a real challenge. I feel like he would think she would make him a better man. I'm excited to see if there's any potential for them and if there's not, then they're friends.
Is the Hapstall case done for good even though no one's found Caleb's body yet?
That was always intended to be the case of the season, so I'm 90 percent sure we are done with that case and all of it. That's not to say that we'll never bring it back in some way, but as of now, I think it's closed.

The lady from the bar told Frank they'd see each other again. Are we going to see her in Season 3 and fill some of those 10 years of Frank's life?
Nowalk: That's another TBD. We start the writers' room up again on May 2, so I'm going to jot these down. [Laughs] These are all good questions. These are talking points and I'm going to test everyone and have them come up with their theories. That actress is Emily Swallow and she was great. I wouldn't mind seeing her again.
Do you have any loose plans for Season 3 right now? Is there something you want to accomplish, even thematically?
They're even looser than that. I want to keep revealing the characters' home lives before they met Annalise. I want to meet Laurel's father, I want to meet Michael's family. I want to really explore new dynamics and have all the characters grow. The one thing I'll say is, I don't want to follow a formula. What's great is the network encourages me to take risks. I want to come back and feel like we're doing something fresh.

How to Get Away with Murder returns in the fall.