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Famous in Love's Bella Thorne Says Paige Chooses the Wrong Guy in Season 2

See what else she says about Season 2!

Sadie Gennis

Famous in Lovereturns for its anticipated second season on Wednesday, which means more romance, more betrayals and way more juicy Hollywood drama.

With the first season leaving viewers off on not one, but two cliffhangers, fans have been waiting nearly a year to discover who killed Barrett Hopper (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett) and -- more importantly -- whether Paige (Bella Thorne) chose to be with her best friend Jake (Charlie DePew) or her Locked co-star Rainer (Carter Jenkins).

We thought fans have already waited long enough, so we went to creator I. Marlene King and star Bella Thorne to share some tantalizing teases about what to expect when the Freeform series returns.

1. The love triangle is far from over. The Season 2 premiere will quickly reveal who Paige chose, but you'd be a fool to think her current relationship will last forever. Paige had strong feelings for both Rainer and Jake last season and those feelings will still be there this year, particularly as she begins to seriously doubt her choice.

"Paige doesn't know which way to turn this season. She doesn't really know who she can trust. And that becomes a very big issue for her and she starts kind of milling about, you could say, because she doesn't know who to trust," Thorne revealed to TV Guide. "And the person that she picks is not the person that she should be with. And she definitely sees that throughout this season. She learns that very quickly."

Bella Thorne, Famous in Love
Eric McCandless/Freeform

2. Jordan (Keith Powers) and Nina's (Perrey Reeves) secret will come out. We knew it was only a matter of time before someone leaked Jordan and Nina's sexual relationship, which began when Jordan was only a minor. Aware of just how precarious this situation is -- particularly now that both Tangey (Pepi Sonuga) and Alan (Shawn Christian) know -- Jordan wants to tell Rainer the truth before he learns it from someone else. Nina, unsurprisingly, refuses to agree, given that her relationship with Rainer is already so fragile after Rainer learned she had lied to him about the identity of his father.

"When Nina's not on top, she's really fun to watch. So she's going to work really hard to try and gain back Rainer's trust," King says, adding that Rainer's "not going to give it up to her that easily."

Famous in Love Mega Buzz: Can Paige Keep Both Rainer and Jake in Her Life?

3. Paige's choice will come with unexpected consequences. As if having to choose between Jake and Rainer wasn't hard enough, the fact that Paige was confronted with the decision in the middle of a press conference means she'll have to deal with the whole world's opinions regarding her answer -- and it won't be pretty.

"So as far as the person that she picks, she gets a lot of hate for it, so it kind of starts to ruin her life," Thorne says. "Then by the end of the season, you're wondering what's going to happen with her because she kind hates what her life is turning into."

Because of the very public nature of the ordeal and the mounting obstacles she now faces, Paige is forced to grow up a lot this season. And rather than shy away from these issues, Paige learns to face them head-on and stand up for herself more than ever before. "She definitely starts to take care of things in her own hands," Thorne says. "She is a bigger badass this season in the sense that she kind of stops letting people step on her a little bit and she fires back."

Bella Thorne and Carter Jenkins, Famous in Love
Byron Cohen, Freeform

4. There's a new woman in Rainer's life. When Rainer enters rehab following his recent relapse, he grows close to another patient, Harper (Danielle Campbell), a former child star who can seemingly understand exactly what Rainer's going through. But while Rainer trusts Harper implicitly, Paige senses that something isn't quite right with her.

"I think no matter what, [Paige] always is a little bit jealous when anyone has Rainer's attention because she usually has Rainer's attention... but she also can kind of get a good sense of whether this girl is trustworthy or not," Thorne teases.

Seeing as King seconded Thorne's insinuation that Harper isn't exactly trustworthy, we think it'd be a good idea to keep a close eye on her moving forward!

5. Paige gets a stalker. In addition to having to deal with some of the more routine struggles of fame, Paige will also be faced with the terrifying ordeal of being stalked. "I think I can say without giving too much away is that she definitely is faced with a creepy stalker this year who somehow wiggles their way into her life and her personal spaces and it's really frightening for her," King reveals.

"She kind of loses her sh--," adds Thorne. "In those situations, you have no idea what to do and she doesn't either. And we kind of watch her go through this stalker thing until it really just gets worse and worse."

Famous In Love Mega Buzz: Rainer's Struggles Are Only Beginning

6. Jake makes a new friend who has a big secret. Rainer isn't the only one with a new lady in his life. The aspiring director becomes extremely close with a fellow film buff, Vera (Claudia Lee), who is hiding a lot of secrets under her quirky exterior -- including a different identity!

But despite this, Thorne says that Vera isn't necessarily untrustworthy unlike some other new characters. "I like her character, although Paige doesn't because she's jealous," Thorne explains. "She's a good character. She's not trying to get at Paige in a bad way... But you could say the character is a mass disguiser of things."

Adds King: "Jake is absolutely charmed by her. She's the first person Jake has ever met who knows as much about movie trivia as she does and that's sort of the launching point of their friendship."

Famous in Love
Eric McCandless/Freeform

7. Jordan will have to decide which is more important: his career or his integrity. Jordan will still be chasing that elusive Oscar when Famous in Love picks back up. But with such a crucial part of his Academy Award campaign reliant on the lie about his parents' deaths, Jordan will find himself trapped between the truth and his dreams.

"He's really grappling with this because he's on this Oscars circuit and he's telling this made-up story about who he is and that his parents died in a car crash when he was young and it really starts to eat at him," King says. "He meets someone this season, her name is Marisol, who's a regular girl and she reminds him a lot of the person he wants to be as opposed to this business person telling these lies. So he's on a journey, on a path on his own where he has to decide: does he want to be truthful or does he want to be a shoe-in to get that Academy Award?"

Famous in Love: Exclusive First Look at Season 2 Key Art

8. Tangey gets a new love interest. Paige won't be the only one caught up in a salacious love triangle this season. With her career in shambles after her failed attempt to go country, Tangey will find herself growing close to a successful rapper, Pablo Money (Romeo Miller).

"He and Tangey have a few sparks that ignite in our premiere episode and that really launches her career story and her personal story too," King says. But unfortunately, Tangey's relationship with Pablo isn't exactly the thing of fairy tales. According to Thorne, the relationship soon grows complicated and things between them will get "bloody."

But even if things with Pablo go south, there's still the chance for Tangey and Jordan to get their happily ever after. "They have a push-pull relationship, those two. And we haven't seen the last of them together, that's for sure," King teases.

9. You'll find out who killed Barrett right away. Maybe. The series won't keep you on the hook for long about who shot Barrett. But the answer is so unexpected and so unexplained that we feel like there has to be more to this mystery -- not that King would confirm anything.

"Maybe there is, maybe there isn't," she teased. "We really wanted to do something that is completely the opposite of Pretty Little Liars and just have fun with saying, 'Oh my gosh, that was unexpected!'"

Hmm... is she just trying to throw us off the scent of the real killer or is Famous in Love truly the anti-PLL? It looks like we'll just have to wait and see.

Famous in Love returns with a two-hour premiere Wednesday at 8/7c on Freeform.