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A Close Shave for Prison Break's Tweener

Starting tonight at 8 pm/ET, the Prison Break on Fox continues, as the second season sends Michael, Lincoln and the rest of the at-large Fox River 8 running from the bulls and dogs, and heading for, hopefully, freedom. Among the fugitives is Tweener, played by Lane Garrison, who, alas, can't escape the heat in Texas, where the drama is now filming. TVGuide.com: How are you, Lane?Lane Garrison: I'm in 158-degree weather in Decatur, Texas, but other than that I'm awesome! Global warming is a good thing. TVGuide.com: Do you know who I just off the phone with? Paul Scheuring [Prison

Matt Webb Mitovich

Starting tonight at 8 pm/ET, the Prison Break on Fox continues, as the second season sends Michael, Lincoln and the rest of the at-large Fox River 8 running from the bulls and dogs, and heading for, hopefully, freedom. Among the fugitives is Tweener, played by Lane Garrison, who, alas, can't escape the heat in Texas, where the drama is now filming.

TVGuide.com: How are you, Lane?
Lane Garrison: I'm in 158-degree weather in Decatur, Texas, but other than that I'm awesome! Global warming is a good thing.

TVGuide.com: Do you know who I just off the phone with? Paul Scheuring [Prison Break's creator].
He is the man. He's a really talented writer and a great guy.

TVGuide.com: I told him I was a little iffy on talking to you because I wasn't sure if Tweener was still a part of the big picture. But Paul set me straight. He said, "[Tweener] has his own ambitions, and he is going to get out there in the world and meet some new people and develop some relationships."
Garrison: That is very true. Yes, I have been meeting new characters. I even have a love interest, which is interesting. Paul's going back to the more fun side of Tweener. When he first entered the prison, he was sort of comedic relief, and we were such a heavy show it was nice to have a laugh every now and then. So we're trying to find that balance again, of knowing that you're on the run but [still feeling like], "Let's have some fun with being young and free and rediscovering yourself on the open road."

TVGuide.com: Where do we first see Tweener?
You're going to first see him at a bus station, where he surfaces with a totally new look. He starts his thievery again; sort of like swiping the [Fox River guard's] watch, but this time I'll be stealing a wallet, cash.... We bring that talent back as he maneuvers his way from the prison all the way back to Utah. He heard the old man say there was $5 million buried in Utah, so....

TVGuide.com: To date, in anything you've filmed, has Tweener crossed paths with any of the other escapees?
It's funny you ask that because we're about to film that scene. We're in this tiny town, Decatur, that's going to pose for Toole, Utah. This is when he first comes into contact with the individual he [met first] at the prison T-Bag. There's a nice, "fun" reunion.

TVGuide.com: I can hear T-Bag now: "So, I see here we are, crossin' paths once agin...."
Exactly! [Mimicking T-Bag] "A regular ol' inbetweenah."

TVGuide.com: Other than the heat, how has Dallas been treating you?
It's my hometown, so it's sort of like "local boy does good." For me it was realizing that I had made a dream happen, coming from nothing and having everyone tell me I was absolutely out of my mind for leaving here, for not following the norm by going to college and getting married and selling insurance. It's been nice to say that I believed in myself when nobody else did, and made it happen. That shows others, "You know what? If this kid can do it, with $400 and a car, I can do it, too." It's nice.

TVGuide.com: Who on the cast is dealing with the heat the worst?
Let me think about this, because Amaury [Nolasco, who plays Sucre] and I just walked around the town square and were both complaining about it.... I want to say Rockmond [Dunbar, C-Note], but he's never here. Any second he's not shooting, he's in Vegas or New York or somewhere. Honestly, it's probably me who has complained about it the most!

TVGuide.com: I know you were good buddies with Muse Watson, who played Westmoreland. Are you missing his presence this season?
Oh, like crazy. He was great to have on set and work with because he was this seasoned vet, yet he was such a humble human being. You could always talk to him about a scene or what you would do here.... Everybody misses him a lot.

TVGuide.com: I read an interview where you said he told you it helps to give your character a theme song, and you chose Eminem's "Lose Yourself."
Yeah, everyone was making fun of me just earlier because I was blasting it on the radio. Even when I'm working on other stuff, I use that a lot. Muse definitely taught me a lesson there.

TVGuide.com: The love interest you mentioned before, will we see a decent amount of her or is it like a one-episode deal?
No, it's definitely for a few episodes. And then we go our separate ways. Her name is Debra Jean and she's played by Kristin Malko, another Texas girl.

TVGuide.com: "Debra Jean," eh? Sounds like an innocent who doesn't know any better.
Exactly. She meets this young prisoner who's on the loose and hasn't seen a real woman in a while, and he definitely takes advantage of her.

TVGuide.com: What's going on with Succubus, the film you wrote with Mark Famiglietti (Young Americans)?
Garrison: It's in development at Sony, with Mark Steven Johnson (Daredevil) attached to direct.

TVGuide.com: Succubus is about a guy and his buddy who discover their girlfriends are soul-sucking demons. Based on a real-life dating horror story of yours?
Of course it is. For me, it's all about men's fear of commitment. I sort of have a recurring theme in our movies: Is there that one person out there for all of us, is there that soul mate? Or should we just be hooking up with every beautiful woman we see?

TVGuide.com: What kind of role do you have in Mark Wahlberg's Shooter?
Mark Wahlberg plays a sniper, and I'm his scout. And Kate Mara (24) plays my wife. Michael Pena is in it, too, and he is my favorite actor right now. The script was great, and Antoine Fuqua (Training Day) is probably the most intense director I've worked with and the best in terms of character and every nuance.... I hope I get to work with many directors like him.

TVGuide.com: I hear you're quite the movie fan. Have a chance to see anything this summer?
Yeah, Amaury and I went to see Miami Vice, and I'm going to see Talladega Nights next. My favorite thing in the world is to go into a movie theater doesn't matter what time of day sit in the back row and lose myself with 300 strangers, then hopefully walk out feeling like a better person. That's what has always brought me to film.

TVGuide.com: Plus, and this is not to be overlooked, it's nice and air-conditioned!
Yeah, exactly!

TVGuide.com: What's your poison? Popcorn, Jordan almonds...?
Honestly? It's freakin' Milk Duds. I can't stay away from 'em. And I'm talking, like, the giant-sized box.

TVGuide.com: Are you getting recognized a lot now because of Prison Break?
Yeah. Even today, walking around the town square, I've been signing an amazing amount of autographs. It's surreal, this notion of celebrity, and it's not something I'm necessarily comfortable with, seeing people freak out or ask to take a picture.... But it's very flattering.

TVGuide.com: People don't cross the street when they see "Tweener" coming?
No, but with [Robert] Knepper (T-Bag) they do. My family [members who] met him were scared even to go up and shake his hand! I had to convince them what a lovely human being he is.

For the scoop on how the Fox River 8 will each disguise themselves on the run, and what their individual goals are, pick up the new TV Guide.

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